FIFTY Fest, the 37th annual Bell Tower Festival, will bring live music to Jefferson Friday and Saturday nights.
The Rivieras, with their “good old rock-n-roll,” will perform Friday at 6 pm on the Bell Tower Plaza as a “warm-up” for the opening ceremony of FIFTY Fest. “We want this year’s festival to be something special as a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Bell Tower. What better way to do that than to assure the opening ceremony has great attendance, and what draws people better than fun music?” said Greene County Chamber of Commerce tourism and events coordinator Angie Pedersen.

The Rivieras formed in 2007 and has played all over Iowa. The band is named for lead Steve Breese’s 1963 Buick Riviera, the sort of car that would have been parked around the Mahanay Bell Tower during its construction in 1965-66.
Following the opening ceremony, which starts at 7 pm, The Rivieras will relocate to the beverage tent on N. Wilson, where they’ll start playing again at 9 pm.

PopROCKS performed its high-energy show at last year’s Bell Tower Festival. “PopROCKS was so much fun we invited them back again this year, but there’s no guarantee we’ll have them back a third year. If you didn’t catch their show last year, you won’t want to miss it this time, and if you saw the show last year, well, you won’t want to miss it either. The show isn’t like anything else you’re going to see in Greene County. You just have to be there,” Pedersen said.
PopROCKS will take the stage Saturday at 8:30 pm.
The cover price for the beverage tent is $10 for either night.
A complete schedule for FIFTY Fest is available at